There are no consultations in the summer term 2024!

Photo: Daniel Kunzfeld

Would you like to improve your (academic) German or receive advice on writing a text relevant to your studies?

The learning and writing consulting always takes place on Tuesdays and Thursdays!

What does consulting do?

We offer individual consulting meetings. There we help you to discover your own resources so that you can improve your academic German independently and achieve your learning goals in terms of academic language as well as your writing goals. In addition, we guide you to reflect on your own learning and writing and to discover and try out new ways. 

Who is the consulting for?

For all students of the University of Hildesheim for whom German is a foreign or second language.

When und where?

Individual consulting takes place Tuesdays from 3 pm to 4.30 pm and Thursdays from 11.30 am to 1 pm, where we provide you with individual advice and answer your questions.

Individual counselling takes place both during the lecture-free period and during the lecture period.

How do you register?

Log in to Learnweb – Start page in Learnweb – Course area of the DAWID project – Individual writing and language learning consulting – Register for individual counselling – Select and book an appointment

It is necessary to register for the individual writing and language learning consulting. By self-enrolment you can access the Learnweb course of the counselling. Then you can register for a single appointment or for several appointments in the appointment calendar.

You can register for a meeting on Learnweb here:
Individual counselling (Tuesdays from 3 pm to 4.30 pm and Thursdays from 11:30 am to 1 pm): register here

We look forward to seeing you!